Sometimes I am not sure on what I should blog about. What do people really want to hear or know about our family. But the truth is I started this blog because I feel like writing. Expressing what is going on in our world. I have always felt I have had something to say. Not everyone has always wanted to listen. That has been OK with me. Some how I seem to always get my point across.
I don't want to always paint a pretty picture. Life is not that way. In my home or house there has been ups and downs. I have been places in my life I would never talk about. I have been places in my life I would brag about. Sometimes you find it hard to find a happy medium in today's world. At least that is how I have found it to be. Everything I have or don't have I have worked hard for. Nothing has been given to me or just fell in my lap. I am not a person that goes to church but I believe there is someone up above that watches over me and helps me when I may start to stray or should I say always had made sure I have been able to provide for my family.
With writing this today I am so very proud of my family. Proud of each of my children and who they are and who they have become and what they are doing in there lives. As I sit back and look at my life I feel so blessed with healthy children and grandchildren. It makes me not want to take a single thing for granted. If there is something I can pass on at the end of the day, material items don't mean a thing without the loved ones by your side. We all have to make a living. We all have to provide for the family. But we must take time to look at the big picture. I have to say I have had the opportunity of raising my children a few different ways. Having my older children when I was younger compared to having my younger children while I am older. I am not saying one way of raising my children is wrong or right. I was doing what I had to do at the time. The best I could do with what I had. But if I had know then what I know now. Boy maybe I heard my grandparent say something like that. If only we listen to our elders. Sometimes we just have to learn on our own. I believe that is OK also. This is what makes us the strong people we are. My grandparents lived in the same house from the time they got married or not long after. My grandmother stayed home with the children. They didn't have credit cards. If they didn't have the money they didn't buy it. They raised four children. All grew up fine. Sure nobody perfect. They were not a perfect family but when my grandparents died they left behind an estate for my mother and her siblings. My grandparents made an average living probely less than we do but were able to live within there means. Why cant we do that. Why cant we teach our children that lesson. Well we can. We do. We haven't always. We tried to live up to the "Jones" next door. But no more. For the past few years we stopped that insanity. It was something that took me becoming ill for us to do. A change in us from being a two income family to a one income family. We are better off because of it. We are much happier. If we don't have the money we don't buy something. What is wrong with that. No more credit cards. None! I love it. That means we don't pay interest to anyone. We keep all our money. Yes at times we look at things and say boy that would be nice. We used to have nice cars, boats, and if you seen an item you just bought it without worrying if you had money, not now. We have to have the money. With only one income in the family we don't have the money for much. It is hard for the children to adapt. But they do. No- is hard to say all the time but we do. We teach them about the pride of owning something rather than owing a credit card company. Saving for something, makes you appreciate it even more when you get it.
I look at my older children who grew up with both parents working and having what they wanted, most of the time within reason. I will say my children worked also. They had jobs from the time they could work. I always thought it important to install work ethic. I worked for my father from when I was real young. He instilled a work ethic in me. That is what made me the go getter I have been all my life. My oldest Christopher, went off to college and never called home asking for money. He got a job and payed his way. Now he is in California following his dreams as an inspiring screen writer. Still paying his own way struggling waiting tables until he becomes the famous Screen Writer I know he is destine to become. He never calls home and asks for money. We tell him every phone call, let us know if you need something. Never does he ask. I am so proud of him and all his accomplishment's.
My Daughter Jen, she is just an amazing Mother and Wife. She is married to a man that his career is in the Army. He has spent most of their marriage deployed over seas in Afghanistan. He is off at this time in Afghanistan for six months. My daughter just gave birth to her third child five weeks ago. It is amazing the way she handles her home and children while he is gone. We thank our son-in-law for what he does for this country but we thank our daughter, Jen, for being such a strong, loving person that can handle being a Army Wife. Her and her husband make us proud on how they are raising their children. They are being smart about money and living wisely. It just kills me they live so far away. Having grandchildren and family live thousands of miles from you is heartbreaking. Thank goodness for skype.
Our Daughter Jessie is 21 and in the Navy. How proud are we of that! My husband was a Navy man and Jessie went in the Navy to follow her fathers footsteps, that's what we say anyway. She just does the right thing. For such a young girl she still calls home for some advise, some times. She doesn't always take it, but at least she ask. Jessie re-enlisted for a second term and lives in Virgnina now. It's not close either. But we talk or text all the time. She is smart with her money and works hard for our country.
Our youngest son, Russell, I don't think will stop growing. At 6'2'' and fourteen years old he is just starting to find himself. When I look at him I see a little bit of his older siblings. When he was born they all had such a big part in his upbringing. "Little Russell" as we call him was a favorite not only to our children but to all the childrens friends. He was almost like a mascot to all the sports or activities that the older children were involved in. It was a great upbringing for him. Russell is a pretty easy going young man. When we planned on moving to Maine he was very scarred. Going into a new school at his age could have been real bad. But it was the best move for Russell. Russell has excelled in academics, sports and the social aspects of his high school years. I can not be prouder of him. He loves it here and calls it his home town.
Now the baby. Melanie, the youngest of five born with a carrot top. I say this because she is different. All the other children have dark brown hair and here comes baby Mel with the red hair. Oh wow. We were all thrilled. We still are. She is a ball of fire for sure. She amazes us every day. Much like her oldest brother she has been given the title of gifted. She excels acedemiclly. Beyond her years. Thank goodness for schools having accellerated programs to promote her abilities. Melanie loves to stay active. She participates in Gymnastics twice a week in a home team at the local gym. She also takes part in an after school program that promotes good health and activities such as skiing and other outdoor sports. She is always on the move. We cant stop saying how proud we are of her. She amazes me everyday.
When I write this I have to think how lucky I have been to be a part of these five wonderful human beings. They have blessed me with the opportunity to be their mother. People may ask how do you raise such successful children. One I would say do the best with what you have. Don't second guess how you feel. You dont have to be your children's best friend, they don't have to like what you say all the time. As parents we do things we think are the right thing at the time. It might turn out to be wrong or not the way you thought but we live and learn. Don't kill yourself over it. Move on. Everyone learns from it. Most of all love yourself and your family. The rest will come. Remember no one is perfect!
This is a picture of my children about five years ago I don't remember when we were all together for a picture.
This is a picture of my Daughter Jen and her husband Zach and their children, Zachary, Addalynn and Abraham. My wonderful grandchildren who I love with all my heart!
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