Tuesday, April 2, 2013

hearth remodel

Well I did say our new home was in some disrepair.  Well my husband has been hard at work every minute of the day.  When he is not at work at his day job he is at work on the house.  He has my son right at his side.  Also my daughter helps, she is the greatest helper.  One job that was a lot easier than we thought it was going to be was doing the tile around the hearth.  We had to pull all the rug up in the living room and decided to lay down a new sub floor.  That was not easy because part of our home is a round house so the cutting was hard but Russell got through it.  He only threw the tools a few times. 
this is the ending result it came out great!
We started with a clean floor, we picked out tiles that matched the stone fireplace
Then he put some tile cement down with the tile scrapper in a thin layer just one square at a time and put spacers in between them to make sure they were the same space apart.  We picked out a small square trim, we did it this way so we did not have to make any cutting.  We wanted it as simple as possible.  Before we used the cement we dry placed everything so we new what our pattern would be and how many tiles we wanted to use.  We were not sure if we wanted to go out two or three tiles and decided to go out only two tiles.
So just keep doing this one square at a time then you have to let it sit overnight
then you take the grout with a sponge and just work it in and wipe it off with water till its clean.  Then you let it sit overnight again.  We wiped it down again in the morning.
We love it and think it came out great.  Russell said it was easy and we bought all the stuff at Home depot and the guy there was real helpful.  It took us the longest time to pick out our pattern.  We did buy to much cement but we took back the extra container and they gave us our money back.  Love +Home Depot.

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